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    Moderators? In waht fashion>~>new here.

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    I have been looking at Codewars as part of a research project and it looks very interesting. I wanted to ask, if the possibility of integrating real world problems (Open source development code for example) in Codewars as challenges has already been discussed or not.
    If not, it would be great to include such a feature where people can train on real issues and problems while solving these (crowdsourcing and gamification). Please everybody, let me know what you think about it, because it would greatly improve our research and maybe even codewars.
    Thank you

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    Hi everybody, I don't if this Forum is still active, but I will just give it a try.
    I have been looking at Codewars as part of a research project and it looks very interesting. I wanted to ask, if the possibility of integrating real world problems (Open source development code for example) in Codewars as challenges has already been discussed or not.

    If not, it would be great to include such a feature where people can train on real issues and problems while solving these (crowdsourcing and gamification). Please everybody, let me know what you think about it, as this would greatly improve our research and maybe even codewars.

    Thank you