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    Quite pretty kata to practice with, well done.

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    Silly but TBH its nice to see weird ways of doing something for beginers like me!

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    From what I can see, you are trying to pop fourth item in "sausage_row" which only has three items (in the first sample test).

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    The intention is that you don't know all types of sausages that exist, so you have to identify them using their packaging (and as natan wrote, other specifics of a good sausage package). All of the necessary info is in the Kata's description.

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    there is a problem with interpreter.
    i use vscode and my code works on it, but it doesnt work in here

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    Maybe you're testing the wrong things. Look at how the description specifies good sausage and test that.

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    I think all the types of sausages should be displayed in the problem statement.
    In my case, I only found all the types of sausages from the automated tests, after having written a solution for it.

    So, this:
    "Straight sausages I, curvy sausages ), even twirly sausages @ and many more."
    Should say:
    "Sausages may be represented as such: "@" , "I" , ")" , "║" , "l" , "1" , "(" , "|" , "¦" . "

    Razvan Boboc

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    Thanks for the info about if blocks, I didn't know those existed. I've chosen tuples for boxes really just for the expressivness that Python enables here (and readability) without initially really considering a lower common denominator for other languages as well.

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    Glad you've enjoyed it, thanks for the translation.

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    Rust translation kumited! :-)

    That was a fun kata, thanks.

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    Yeah. Never expected a reward!

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    Fifth undamaged pack was used as your reward and was therefore excluded from the output

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    expected 'I I I I l l l l 1 1 1 1 @ @ @ @ | | | | ║ ║ ║ ║' to equal 'I I I I l l l l 1 1 1 1 @ @ @ @ ║ ║ ║ ║'

    Do you hate thin ones or what ?

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    You could use if-blocks ( and if-not-blocks ) per language, but they lack the defaulting of codeblocks ( though they do support targeting multiple langauges, which codeblocks do not ). if-blocks can include normal text and markup. But they are a pain to maintain for multiple languages. See Markdown Formatting -> Optional Section Formatting if you're interested. ( I have kata that use this up to 13 languages. Getting all the translators to get it right is a major PITA. Don't even get me started on kata that have to allow multiple solutions. )

    What you have now will do just fine.

    It's water under the bridge for the Python truck datatype, but in an ideal world authors would consider other languages when designing their datatypes. Then again, you might end up at the lowest common denominator and lose possible expressiveness in any particular language. I also gather Python tuples are immutable, which for kata design is an advantage and does not transfer to ( all ) other languages anyway. But a consistent datatype across languages would also have had its benefits of course.

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