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    Neat kata. I don't even know where to start Q_Q

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    I glanced at the solutions and saw a top answer used

    if (array[0].length == 0) { return new int[0]; }

    which is a little simpler than what I tried

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    Update: I figured something out but it seems kind of clumsy. idk if this is what the author had in mind...

    if (array.length == 1 && array[0].length == 0) {
    return new int[0];

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    My java solution handles all of the tests, except for the empty array test. When array = { {} } it complains about indices. Any advice for how to determine if the array is empty like this?

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    Narrowly passed ;) Big numbers sure are cool!

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    I am so close to completing it #(E#*(@*WUR(*UQ)_!PO My output looks like this and it's the worst

    Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit amet,
    consectetur  adipiscing  elit.
    Vestibulum   sagittis   dolor
    mauris,  at  elementum  ligula
    tempor  eget.  In quis rhoncus
    nunc,  at  aliquet orci. Fusce
    at   dolor   sit   amet  felis
    suscipit   tristique.   Nam  a
    imperdiet  tellus.  Nulla  eu
    vestibulum    urna.    Vivamus
    tincidunt  suscipit  enim, nec
    ultrices  nisi  volutpat  ac.
    Maecenas   sit   amet  lacinia
    arcu, non dictum justo. Donec
    sed  quam  vel  risus faucibus
    euismod.  Suspendisse  rhoncus
    rhoncus  felis  at  fermentum.
    Donec lorem magna, ultricies a
    nunc    sit    amet,   blandit
    fringilla nunc. In vestibulum
    velit    ac    felis   rhoncus
    pellentesque. Mauris at tellus
    enim. Aliquam eleifend tempus
    dapibus. Pellentesque commodo,
    nisi   sit   amet   hendrerit
    fringilla,  ante  odio  porta
    lacus,   ut   elementum  justo
    nulla et dolor.
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    I can't believe I didn't think of that lol. Just print it to standard out at the top of the method. Thanks again

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    I will look at this. Thanks!

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    Hello. I am very close to completing this kata. But with the Random tests my output is always 1 less than expected! For example,

    expected:<132> but was:<131>

    Is there a way that I can view the input string that resulted in a failing test?

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    Curse these random tests I am so close to passing >:(

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    Cool solution. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that it would be faster to compute the case fac = 2 separately, and then only cycle through odd #s