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    Joined date has nothing to do with skill, or ranking. For example I joined in March and am 2kyu, because I have been doing Java for 3 years. Im sure there is people who joined after me and are 1kyu, and im sure there is other people who joined 5 years ago and are still 8 kyu

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    I almost have the same question. i assumme alot of these people just stop coding on codewars thats why there accounts are old and still at a very amateur level.

    btw, i started back in january and im already at 6kyu. And taking in to account that i keep a full time job and do challenges on the side.

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    hey i see your code is pretty amateur here so i just wanted to know if you still code and how good youve gotten over the past 2 years, im pretty much on the same level so id like some motivation lawl :)