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    How abbout adding ladders and snakes in description?

    IMO having to write map by hand from image isn't challenging but just tedious and boring. + I imagine it can cause a bit of a accessibility issue for people with some types of vision impairment.

    Just add

        2 -> 38
        7 -> 14
        8 -> 31
        15 -> 26
        21 -> 42
        28 -> 84
        36 -> 44
        51 -> 67
        71 -> 91
        78 -> 98
        87 -> 94
        16 -> 6
        46 -> 25
        49 -> 11
        62 -> 19
        64 -> 60
        74 -> 53
        89 -> 68
        92 -> 88
        95 -> 75
        99 -> 80

    under the board image.