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    My first working solution didn't pass the final submit performance tests, but I came up with another working solution in the end. If you haven't gotten this yet since your post, I recommend looking up Dijkstra's Algorithm. Apply some of its concepts to get a solution.

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    It would be nice to have a little more feedback on what is wrong with the code rather than just displaying "This is not the optimal solution".
    Maybe something like "This is not the optimal solution. Try using less power to reach the target".

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    Request Timeout,again and again.
    I want to know if the request timeout is due to my code...

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    Usually, restarting the browser solves this challenge! lol

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    Normally you would client-side debug something and you'd see the source but you have to figure out how to remote debug since the source resides on the server.

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    Can someone explain it plz?

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    I really want to know how to solve "UNKNOWN ERROR"!