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    Hey!!! You stole that Kata name from my series of FIXME: Kata.


    How about coming up with your own name instead?



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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    The huge mess of initial code basically means it's not a bugfix kata; the original code is so wrong you're going to just rewrite the whole thing anyway.

    I've said this many times, but one does not simply make a bugfix kata. Bugfix kata is not about rewriting "code" that blatantly doesn't even work/compile, or is in an alien syntax (yes, there are lots of these bugfix katas). It's about finding actual bugs in seemingly conformant code. There are lots of existing bugfix katas that suffers from the same problem, and I often wish I can unpublish all of them because they're just that boring.

    In other words, this kata is very uninspiring.

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    Don't just tell people not to use Math.pow or **. Check for it.