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    Some minor spelling issues:

    • Given are the implementations of these functions
    • We want to limit infinite sequencers like factorialSeq
    • You should implement the addLimit(limiter) method on the pipeSeq() function
    • stepLimiter is a function that receives the max number of elements
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    Would be nice to have these minor spelling issues resolved:

    • Given are the implementations of these functions
    • Using in this way: / They are used in this way
    • This function allows you to pipe generators to other functions.
    • optionally some parameters to be passed to the sequencer and returns an object with two methods:
    • returns the piped sequencer function.
    • Here is an example to illustrate the intended behaviour:
    • We could create the piped sequencer like this: / The piped sequencer is created as follows
    • This function sums the values of the sequence.
    • You should also implement the isEven pipe function: