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    This. I was actually looking for the time performance of other solutions compared to mine, but the only solution I had found was actually implementing all of them and time them myself.

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    I would definitely like a feature that shows the processing time of the code (or cycles),
    I would love to improve my coding skills with focus on such "best practice".

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    Agreed. On all test cases for Java "expected" and "but was" should be reversed.

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    Now we can sort solutions by "Best Practice" and "Clever"; both user tags. What about possibiliy to sort by some automatic metrics as well such as code length, complexity or runtime ?

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    In the linked wikipedia article it is mentioned: "When a computation is finished, its result remains as the top (and only) value in the stack". So basically I would assume an expression that ends with more than one value on the stack would be invalid and should raise en exception instead of returning anything.

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    Maybe the descriptions should be a bit more specific about the difference - since I was not really sure I just copied my solution from the other problem and it worked here too. For example something like "This is the exact same problem as PG-13 but it has to manage a matrix of size N in under M seconds" ?

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    Agree, this was my first 4kyo kata and it felt simpler than other 5kyo that I solved earlier.

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    In java all the assertEquals calls should swap the args. The expected value should be first.

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