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    Your friend could have viewed the kata without it being published. If you have the link, you can see it ( you might be able to click through from your profile's list of your kata; I'm not sure ). You can't submit on a Draft kata though.

    Any kata published these days had better be really ready for prime time. I don't always agree with that, but not having random tests will get it retired much more often than not in minutes rather than hours, and I can't really disagree with that. Exceedingly few kata get away with not having random tests, and I think it's mentioned three separate times in that creating-your-first-kata documentation.

    Anyway, no point in keeping this issue open now. You'll have to make another your-first-kata; retirement is not reversible.

    Basic random tests are not hard. Read up, give it another go!

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    Thanks for the help with this.

    I wanted my friend to have a look at the kata and had a train to catch, so published it without finalising it.

    I'm suprised, but very appreicative of how quickly I received feedback on the kata, and will be making the changes you suggested.

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    You had mistakes in the Example Tests. These are hard to test, which is why you should absolutely test them, either with Go To -> Trainer, or by copying / pasting them into the Test Cases.


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    Missing random tests.

    This will make people vote down your kata, and it runs a real risk of being retired. This being you first kata is not an excuse. Did you read the available documentation on creating your first kata?