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    Try printing the output and you'll know, or read this

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    You have to have higher honor. Hover over your profile and then go to New Kata(once you are able to make one ofc.) Also, make high quality katas.

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    Why should your code be efficient, if it works although it's slow? :)
    See answers to Agboola O.D. posts below, and actually many other posts in this discourse.

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    can you rephrase that? thanks

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    It is not really an issue

    Then why didn't you use Suggestion instead?

    It's already there:

    returns an array with all of the integer's divisors(except for 1 and the number itself)), from smallest to largest. If the number is prime return the string '(integer) is prime'

    If you meant the description should have the definition of what a prime number is, it assumes you know that (or you can google it).

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    your code passes the sample tests but when you click ATTEMPT your code is run against additional fixed tests and usually another a set of random tests