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    Lang: Rust

    So I have noticed after passing the first tests that my println!() prints multiple times in one comp() call.


    fn comp(a: Vec<i64>, b: Vec<i64>) -> bool {
      //prints "a" vector 3 times for some reason
      println!("{}", a);
      //... code that makes first tests work

    which is weird. I am pretty sure my solution should work for any given input. Any ideas on why the Vector is printed multiple times? I obviously dont have it in a loop.

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    Yeah! That kinda structures are very usefull.

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    Hi! That's part of the learning experience. You can see some tests that your algorithm has to pass. Some tests are hidden. Your code has to work for any given input, you can't simply test every single possible input so you have got to refactor your code so that it works for every possible input.

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    Thanks for tip

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    Well yea, no need to say thank you.

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    It is a fun kata but easier than some 4kyu ones.

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    I tried a lot of different solutions until I made my wonky solution work. I feel so bad after seeing the solutions. Should learn what a stack is I guess.