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    This kata needs more info in the bomb 'is something missing?'.I wanted to see if there were any clues in the files and I accidentally accessed the source code, That was not my intention. The way I accessed it (in my solution) should be blocked, since it avoids the 'require' restriction. I learned about this restriction from the exceptions messages.
    It's a shame, because when you see the other bombs, they seem interesting

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    I'm stuck on bomb 7, the track 'Is something missing?' doesn't help.
    Can anyone give me a hint on where I should look for what I need?
    I don't know how to continue

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    Managed to solve it in an hour and when I decided to log the properties of bomb at the end and found theBombsAreAllDiffused: true I was dying XD

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    I am stuck on last 3 bombs? It say "hint: 'Sorry, no more hints!!'" I really don't have idea.

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    • read the instructions very thoroughly
    • perhaps use console to know what your input is
    • carefully compare your output to the expected values
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    That code throws an error:

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='
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    Any help on #1?

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    Any help on #2?

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    It is still possible to get entire test.js file

    // disable view source, I hope :)
    try {
      {{ hidden }} =
        function () {
          return "Bombs can't be defused by cheating!! ;)";
    } catch (e) {}
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    Great kata, had fun and learned some new JS features :-)

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    THis kata was so harf for me...

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    So glad I could've beat it w/o googling/cheating.

    A great kata worth trying. Thanks

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    Not a kata issue, and actually not an issue at all: this is sort of "by design". Forbidding this would involve destorying a lot of features that make for cw's identity/way of working, so it won't happen.

    Now, please note that what you used is considered an actual cheat and can lead to banishment when used "to some extent". I hid your solution, but don't use that again.


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    Accidentally cheated the Kata. Really needs a fix. I thought is something missing?. Well ... can see my thought process in my solution.

    But looking at the solutions, no idea how people came to the conclusion for bomb #IsSomethingMissing?

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    Everything was working fine for me, I defused every bomb except the last one, understood what was needed, got "true" in the last statement, but tests were not passing. Couldn't understand what is wrong and looked up the answer for the last one. I rewrote Array.prototype.toString and it was working fine for me, but they rewrote Array.prototype.valueOf and it is working the same way, but only their variant is working in this kata. How should I find that out by myself?

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