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    I would be impressed if you didnt use a script to generate that and wrote every piece like a true unga bunga code chad

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    there is always that one guy xD

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    return classmates times pages if classmates bigger 0 and pages bigger 0 else 0

    imagine you could write the code like this :D

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    really like your min max solution!

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    this must be the biggest troll ever,
    pls take me as your student sensei

                    /~          ~\
                   |    //^\//^\|         
                 /~~\  ||  o| |o|:~\       
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      (_/'   | | |     /'    |    ( |
             | | |     \    /   __)/ \
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               \  \|\        /   | |\___|
                 \ |  \____/     | |
                 /^~>  \        _/ <
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                -^-\  \       |        )
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    Nice idea! i think a small class or construct like EpedemicResult or something would be even better,
    so you have propertynames to call on, instead of three numbers without context.

    struct EpedemicResult
        public int Healty { get; set; }
        public int Infected { get; set; }
        public int Recovered { get; set; }
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    If you struggle with making your algorithm fast enough like me to pass the attempt tests,
    but are able to pass the normal tests, try to
    loop through every possible input from 1-10 or more and analyze the outputs to find simularities on them.
    Than you will realize the way to optimize your algorithm.

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    I was having a hard time with this Kata, almost wrote a fraction library to solve it, but couldnt do it.
    Than i looked at the solutions and was devastated on how simple and good they were, after that i could see it
    myself in the test cases...
    But i wonder if you could find it out without them, my mathematical knowledge is pretty basic to bad.
    Is there anyone who accelerate or is smart enough in this field to give me a math breakdown or direction to look at for this?
    eager to better my logical and mathematical understanding!

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    definitely the most readable solution, much like 👍

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    you can stack cases like that? didnt know that

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