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    Extremely clever. Delightful, elegant solution. I'm going to study it, it will teach me lots.

    Thank you

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    Very elegant solution, thanks for the lesson!

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    Thank you for making me notice that, besides showing me the possible allowed directions in the various parts of the track, the examples also limited the allowed 'pieces' (characters) I can encounter there. I have to refine my parsing routine... Back to work!

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    Thank you, Hobovsky! When I 'test' my solution, it passes all the game simulations but the last one.
    After that one test, my solution also passes the two "throw an error" tests.

    This game follows its rules in a strict sequence: if you miss a single step you will very probably miss all the
    following ones. I had some hard time in understanding all the subtle tricks of this kata, and maybe I still need to
    learn some of them. But if you can read the message I wrote, in which I posted a full trace of the program behaviour,
    you will be able to follow every part of it... and so I did, by hand, with pencil, paper and debugger!
    Well, it really doesn't seem to me it's a problem in my solution. My program follows strictly every rule I know of, and it succeeds in every test but this. I apologize with docgunthrop, but as far as I understand it seems a problem in the required output, not in my one!
    Ok, I am just a pupil, I have a lot yet to learn. But without some debugging from the teacher, I really can't go a single step further.
    Will you have some spare time and help me?

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    I don't know if my previous comments on this kata were too stupid, or too boring, to deserve an answer...
    but I believe that a good Sensei should provide new knowledge and maybe enlightenment to stupid and boring
    warriors like me. I am stuck. But my attempted solution behaves exactly as requested, as far as I know,
    so I can't see where I got it wrong. Sure, I could give up and learn from the other warriors' solutions,
    But I don't want to give up, I want to solve this puzzle. And I am pretty sure I almost solved it.
    Please help me!

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    68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
    != 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

    But if you shuffle the numbers in a string,

    "".join(sorted("".join([str(x) for x in range(68, 85+1)])))
    "".join(sorted("".join([str(x) for x in range(69, 86+1)])))

    ... you lose all differences. In those 'scrambled' strings, you'll find 99, 12 and 45, for example.
    What I mean is that there are shuffled strings containing 68 and 69 and 85 and 86, and the ones in your
    test are wonderful examples!

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    I have changed my choice of width and height according to the images you placed in the Description (though I think I would have stated this choice in text) and almost all the tests compare OK. But the last one still fails, and I don't understand why.
    I drew on paper the board, and followed all the moves by hand. As far as I know, my solution follows all the rules, and all my
    blobs behave correctly. I also have placed (a LOT of) print() functions in my solution, so I could trace every single move:

    Up to this point, all the example tests compare equal.
    Mine==Yours: [[2, 4, 9], [3, 3, 13], [3, 6, 9], [4, 4, 4], [5, 3, 4], [5, 4, 10], [6, 2, 6], [7, 2, 8], [7, 5, 15], [8, 1, 10]] 
    Performing 3 moves:
    ----- 1 -----
    Blob 3 3 ( 13 )  found one largest target at 2 4 ( 9 )
    Blob 7 2 ( 8 )  found  a single target at 6 2 ( 6 )
    Blob 2 4 ( 9 )  found  a single target at 4 4 ( 4 )
    Blob 5 4 ( 10 ) chose among: [(5, 3, (4,), 'P3'), (4, 4, (4,), 'P5')]
    Blob 7 5 ( 15 )  found one largest target at 5 4 ( 10 )
    Blob 3 6 ( 9 )  found  a single target at 4 4 ( 4 )
    Blob 8 1 ( 10 )  found  a single target at 7 2 ( 8 )
    Blob 6 2 ( 6 )  found  a single target at 5 3 ( 4 )
    Blob at 3 3 ... moved to 2 4
    Blob at 7 2 ... moved to 6 2
    Blob at 2 4 ... moved to 3 4
    Blob at 5 4 ... moved to 5 3
    Blob at 7 5 ... moved to 6 4
    Blob at 3 6 ... moved to 4 5
    Blob at 8 1 ... moved to 7 2
    Blob at 6 2 ... moved to 5 3
    Blobs list coalesced: new len = 8 new minsize = 4
    [[2, 4, 13], [3, 4, 9], [4, 4, 4], [4, 5, 9], [5, 3, 20], [6, 2, 8], [6, 4, 15], [7, 2, 10]]
    ----- 2 -----
    Blob 2 4 ( 13 )  found  a single target at 3 4 ( 9 )
    Blob 6 2 ( 8 )  found  a single target at 4 4 ( 4 )
    Blob 3 4 ( 9 )  found  a single target at 4 4 ( 4 )
    Blob 5 3 ( 20 )  found one largest target at 6 4 ( 15 )
    Blob 6 4 ( 15 )  found one largest target at 7 2 ( 10 )
    Blob 4 5 ( 9 )  found  a single target at 4 4 ( 4 )
    Blob 7 2 ( 10 )  found  a single target at 6 2 ( 8 )
    Blob at 2 4 ... moved to 3 4
    Blob at 6 2 ... moved to 5 3
    Blob at 3 4 ... moved to 4 4
    Blob at 5 3 ... moved to 6 4
    Blob at 6 4 ... moved to 7 3
    Blob at 4 5 ... moved to 4 4
    Blob at 7 2 ... moved to 6 2
    Blobs list coalesced: new len = 6 new minsize = 8
    [[3, 4, 13], [4, 4, 22], [5, 3, 8], [6, 2, 10], [6, 4, 20], [7, 3, 15]]
    ----- 3 -----
    Blob 3 4 ( 13 )  found  a single target at 5 3 ( 8 )
    Blob 4 4 ( 22 )  found one largest target at 3 4 ( 13 )
    Blob 6 4 ( 20 )  found one largest target at 7 3 ( 15 )
    Blob 7 3 ( 15 )  found  a single target at 6 2 ( 10 )
    Blob 6 2 ( 10 )  found  a single target at 5 3 ( 8 )
    Blob at 3 4 ... moved to 4 3
    Blob at 4 4 ... moved to 3 4
    Blob at 6 4 ... moved to 7 3
    Blob at 7 3 ... moved to 6 2
    Blob at 6 2 ... moved to 5 3
    Blobs list coalesced: new len = 5 new minsize = 13
    [[3, 4, 22], [4, 3, 13], [5, 3, 18], [6, 2, 15], [7, 3, 20]]
    Mine: [[3, 4, 22], [4, 3, 13], [5, 3, 18], [6, 2, 15], [7, 3, 20]] 
    Yours: [[4, 3, 22], [5, 3, 28], [5, 4, 9], [6, 2, 29]] 

    So, would you be so kind to tell me what's wrong now?
    Please reply... I'm stuck!

    Edit: I assume you can look at my current code; if you cannot, please let me know.
    I really want to understand what's happening, please reply!

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    This just uncovers a different issue, this time in the instructions.
    Nowhere is stated where in the Blobservation must be the square [0, 0] placed,
    nor if "the 12 position" means 'towards increasing y' or 'towards increasing x',
    or in some other direction, given that a mathematical object as this board has
    no obvious 'up' and 'down'.
    So I chose to put [0, 0] as the upper left corner, and drawing the 'board' on paper I
    happened to think at the "12" position as "towards decreasing y". From your answer (while I should find it in the instructions) I understand that your choices were different.

    . 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 X
    0 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
    1 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
    2 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
    3 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  B  .     in this situation, position "12" means "towards [8, 0]"
    4 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     and clockwise [9, 6] comes before [5, 6]
    5 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
    6 .  .  .  .  .  T  .  .  .  T
    7 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

    If your choice of "12" position means "towards [8, 7]" (to me it's downward), then [5, 6]
    does indeed come before [9, 6]... but I think this choice should be clearly stated.

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    After passing the initial tests, every attempt gets an 'Execution Timed Out' error.
    How can I fix my solution, if I can't see what causes it to fail?
    I think this information should be given to the warrior, to enable his/her improvement.
    At least, I would like to know just what were the parameters given in the failing test, without the expected answer.

    I timed my solution with the initial tests, and it took less than 15 seconds for 100000 repetitions! I suspect that
    one or more of the "serious" tests makes my solution enter an infinite loop. But I cannot verify this suspect, without
    access to the failing test!

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    Ok, after having tried the examples I could determine that the word must be 'searched' in a list of unique words.
    Anyway, I still think this should be stated clearly in the instructions.

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