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    Done, I have included random tests in translation. Thank you.

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    I don't know how it happened, I don't remember to changes it specifically. I think may be a problem when I try to create a fork for first time, the view was a bit different that when I create a translation and when I changed from a python view to Scala view may be I'd lose something. I don't know. I've solved it and includes it again. Thank you!

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    Thank you for the feedback! There was a bug in random tests. I've solved it in a fork and its waiting for the approval of the author or a moderator.

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    It solves a bug in a random tests.

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    I agree, but in the original example there aren't random test and I have read in the Help that when we do a translation we shouldn't change the original kata. I am new making translations or Kumites, can I add random test if in the original kata there aren't?
    Thank you very much for your feedback!

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    I'm sorry! I'd missunderstood the text, I thought in a reverse order by position not sorting by values. I'd corrected it on kata and test!

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    I've fihished a translation for Scala. Please review it: and approve or send feedback. Thanks!

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    I had the same problem on Python language, I had to modify my regex to avoid \n at the end. But I saw other solutions published by other people on Python with a regular expression that not includes it and have failed for me on the first attemps. Its a bit confusing to see solutions that was not valid or doesn't works actually. I'm figuring that its posible that the kata tests cases was changed after the solution was published, may be?

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    In Kata Info section, in Python Test cases I found one sample that I think isn't correct:

    test.assert_equals(Descending_Order(1021), 2110)

    I think the correct result should be 1201 not 2110. I have corrected it on my Scala translation to pass the tests.

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    The kata is nice, is able to be improved on Scala 2.13 version, cause on this version appears a message in the stack trace section with deprecation warning about PropertyCheck trait that is used in test cases. It doesn't appear in the previous selectable version. Below the complete warning stack trace:

    fixture.scala:3: warning: trait PropertyChecks in package prop is deprecated: PropertyChecks has been moved from org.scalatest.prop to org.scalatestplus.scalacheck and renamed as ScalaCheckPropertyChecks. Please update your imports, as this deprecated type alias will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.
    class RemoveFirstAndLastCharactersSpec extends FunSuite with PropertyChecks with Matchers {
    fixture.scala:20: warning: value Stream in package scala is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Use LazyList instead of Stream
    implicit val dontShrink = Shrink[String](_ => Stream.empty)
    fixture.scala:21: warning: object CheckerAsserting in package enablers is deprecated: CheckerCheckerAssertings has been moved from org.scalatest.enablers to org.scalatestplus.scalacheck. Please update your imports, as this deprecated type will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.
    forAll("s") { (s: String) =>