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    Al principio pense que los billetes no importaban y solo estaba tomando en cuenta el dinero en caja, pero si no tienes en cuenta la cantidad de billetes te marcara error

    At first I thought that the bills did not matter and I was only taking into account the money in the box, but if you do not take into account the number of bills, it will mark you an error

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    Other than F#, all languages have hundreds of solutions. It's definitely not broken, you're just returning incorrect results.

    Either way, you should provide more info, like: what you tried, or what inputs fail, otherwise... how can we read your mind?

    For basic answers, you should visit:

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    Well everyone is saying so in the comments. And recently. And I copied and pasted my code in VSCode and the return value was not the same as theirs... I don't know why but something's weird...

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    Broken how? I cannot see how it's broken, things work for me fairly well.

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    I tried it a few weeks ago, it was broken. It is still broken. Too bad.

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    my bad i solved it already, i thought my brain was bugged not the test hahahahahaha

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    I just solved the kata in Go and see no problems. Why do you think tests are broken?

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    The test is broken i am writing it in go

    tested in the personal-ide all run fines

    but in this attempt-shootout i got all failed wtf