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    Same here, "Submission timed out. Please try again" for all my programs. The second time in the last 2 weeks.

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    Like others below I get:

    Expected: a = 1,b = 2, instead got: a = 1,b = 2,

    Am I wrong and these 2 are not the same? And almost a year later, the instructions and tests still do not match.

    "Each key/value pair should be separated by a comma EXCEPT FOR THE LAST PAIR."

    Crazy task.

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    Something strange. My program DRoot.digital_root(942) in my IDE returns 6. Here I get an error "expected 6 but was 4" with exactly the same program. Do I do something wrong?

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    My program passed all tests, but on Submit I get "What If I Told You There is No Chocolate? expected:<-1> but was:<0>". What does it mean "No Chocolate"? I suppose n=0 and m=0. In such a case "(0,0)" my program passes all tests and I get "-1", but on Submit I still get that error... I'm confused.

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    Same here, longer than 10000ms or Submission timed out