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    How are we suppose to handle katakana (Japanese) alphabet? All my tests passed except with katakana alphabet.

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    Spent too much time on this, so I refuse to forfeit. I wonder if there is an issue with the test or my cose is bad. In case of my bad code, I would appreciate to know how to fix/improve it as it keeps failing on these : [] should equal [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
    [[5], [], [], [], [], [0], [], [], [], [], [], []] should equal [[5], [], [], [], [], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], []].

    Thank ou

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    Thank you for your quick reply. I can understand that the solution should be written in Java, not Python. I jumped blindly coding in python as it's the one I am training thinking that python was asked. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Thank you


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    Indeed, but the normal way of decalring raised errors,
    def addUsername(list):
    that's what surprised me. looking at others solutions, it seems that everyone used function addUsername(list){......} declaration. I don't understand why. is it still python??

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    I don't understand why funtion .... {} was used instead of def .... to declare and write the function. Did I miss something? The structure is different, as far as I know, defining a function in python is done using the keyword def. Why is it that function is used in this case?
    Thank you for your reply.

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    My algorithm passed all test till a cetain number (for i:1 to n<8000), but failed when n>=10000 due to algorithm time execution (o=(10000)). I need a better data structure to handle this in a shorter time. Refactoring to reduce an algorithm complexity is not my favorite.

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    I think there is an issue with this kata. I see a discrepency between the example in the explanation vs those in the test.