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    Apologies, didn't mean to mark it as an issue. To clarify, I just meant that the log for the tests labeled "Hard" don't provide much detail. For example, the log for one of the Hard tests says: ABCDEFGHIJ. However, the log for a case in the Random tests says:

    Random test #1: ants = LKJIHGFEDCBA, terrain = -----..........-----....----......-.....----.........-
    Expected = GFEDCBALKJIH

    Without the values for ants and the terrain, it's hard for me to debug my code.

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    Hi, some of the test cases under hard only provides what I'm assuming is the original order of ants and nothing else, so I'm not able to debug my code. MY code is currently passing 109 and only failing 4 tests (all of which are in the Hard tests. For example, the log says: ABCDEFGHIJ.
    The feedback is:
    'FEDCBAJIHG' should equal 'GFEDCBAJIH'.

    Can I please get some guidance? Would really like to figure this one out!

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