Add, remove and display the items in the fridge. There is some room for improvement here!
Proc = fun(Y, Items) -> receive {Sender, Item} when is_pid(Sender) -> case dict:find(Item, Items) of {ok, Value} -> NewCount = Value - 1, io:format("One ~p coming right up!~n", [Item]), Sender ! Item, Y(Y, dict:store(Item, NewCount, Items)); _ -> io:format("We're all out of ~p~n", [Item]), Y(Y, Items) end; {count, Item} -> case dict:find(Item, Items) of {ok, Value} -> io:format("~p: ~p~n", [Item, Value]); _ -> io:format("We're all out of ~p~n", [Item]) end, Y(Y, Items); {Item, Count} when is_atom(Item) andalso is_integer(Count) -> io:format("~p added.~n", [Item]), NewCount = case dict:find(Item, Items) of {ok, Value} -> Value + Count; _ -> Count end, Y(Y, dict:store(Item, NewCount, Items)); count -> io:format("~p~n", [dict:to_list(Items)]), Y(Y, Items); Item when is_atom(Item) -> io:format("~p added.~n", [Item]), NewCount = case dict:find(Item, Items) of {ok, Value} -> Value + 1; _ -> 0 end, Y(Y, dict:store(Item, NewCount, Items)); _ -> io:format("Killing Fridge...") end end, Pid = spawn(fun() -> Proc(Proc, dict:new()) end), Pid ! {beer, 6}, Pid ! {pudding, 8}, Pid ! salsa, Pid ! soda, Pid ! eggs, Pid ! steak, Pid ! count, Pid ! {count, beer}, Pid ! {self(), beer}, Pid ! {count, beer}, init:stop().
- Proc = fun(Y, Items) ->
- receive
Item when is_atom(Item) ->- {Sender, Item} when is_pid(Sender) ->
- case dict:find(Item, Items) of
- {ok, Value} ->
- NewCount = Value - 1,
- io:format("One ~p coming right up!~n", [Item]),
- Sender ! Item,
- Y(Y, dict:store(Item, NewCount, Items));
- _ ->
- io:format("We're all out of ~p~n", [Item]),
- Y(Y, Items)
- end;
- {count, Item} ->
- case dict:find(Item, Items) of
- {ok, Value} -> io:format("~p: ~p~n", [Item, Value]);
- _ -> io:format("We're all out of ~p~n", [Item])
- end,
- Y(Y, Items);
- {Item, Count} when is_atom(Item) andalso is_integer(Count) ->
- io:format("~p added.~n", [Item]),
Y(Y, [Item | Items]);- NewCount = case dict:find(Item, Items) of
- {ok, Value} -> Value + Count;
- _ -> Count
- end,
- Y(Y, dict:store(Item, NewCount, Items));
- count ->
- io:format("~p~n", [dict:to_list(Items)]),
- Y(Y, Items);
- Item when is_atom(Item) ->
- io:format("~p added.~n", [Item]),
- NewCount = case dict:find(Item, Items) of
- {ok, Value} -> Value + 1;
- _ -> 0
- end,
- Y(Y, dict:store(Item, NewCount, Items));
- _ -> io:format("Killing Fridge...")
- end
- end,
Pid = spawn(fun() -> Proc(Proc, []) end),- Pid = spawn(fun() -> Proc(Proc, dict:new()) end),
Pid ! beer,- Pid ! {beer, 6},
- Pid ! {pudding, 8},
- Pid ! salsa,
- Pid ! soda,
- Pid ! eggs,
- Pid ! steak,
Pid ! pudding,- Pid ! count,
- Pid ! {count, beer},
- Pid ! {self(), beer},
- Pid ! {count, beer},
- init:stop().
Proc = fun (Index) -> timer:sleep(10), io:format("~p~n", [Index]) end, [spawn(fun() -> Proc(X) end) || X <- lists:seq(1, 40)], init:stop().
Proc = fun () ->io:format("Hello Process.~n")- Proc = fun (Index) ->
- timer:sleep(10),
- io:format("~p~n", [Index])
- end,
Pid = spawn(Proc),io:format(" Hello's Pid: ~p~n", [Pid]),- [spawn(fun() -> Proc(X) end) || X <- lists:seq(1, 40)],
- init:stop().
Proc = fun () ->
io:format("Hello Process.~n")
Pid = spawn(Proc),
io:format(" Hello's Pid: ~p~n", [Pid]),
Spawning a more complex function as a process.
Proc = fun(Y, Items) ->
Item when is_atom(Item) ->
io:format("~p added.~n", [Item]),
Y(Y, [Item | Items]);
_ -> io:format("Killing Fridge...")
Pid = spawn(fun() -> Proc(Proc, []) end),
Pid ! beer,
Pid ! salsa,
Pid ! soda,
Pid ! eggs,
Pid ! steak,
Pid ! pudding,
Computability Theory
Theoretical Computer Science
A Tail recursive factorial function
Factorial = fun(N) when N > 0 -> Tail = fun (Y, Acc, 0) -> Acc; (Y, Acc, N) -> Y(Y, Acc * N, N - 1) end, Tail(Tail, 1, N) end, io:format("~s~n", [Factorial(5)]),
Factorial = fun (Y, 0) -> 1;(Y, N) -> N * Y(Y, N - 1)end,- Factorial = fun(N) when N > 0 ->
io:format("~p~n", [Factorial(Factorial, 5)]),- Tail = fun (Y, Acc, 0) -> Acc;
- (Y, Acc, N) -> Y(Y, Acc * N, N - 1)
- end,
- Tail(Tail, 1, N)
- end,
init:stop().- io:format("~s~n", [Factorial(5)]),
Computability Theory
Theoretical Computer Science
A recursive factorial function.
Factorial = fun (Y, 0) -> 1;
(Y, N) -> N * Y(Y, N - 1)
io:format("~p~n", [Factorial(Factorial, 5)]),