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    'Looks like you've solved it'

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    Check some of the older comments below this question. Lots of people ran into the same problem with their code that you are having. Read the older comments and you should be able to find the solution.

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    Python question:
    def arr(n):
    i = 0
    if not n:
    return ([])
    while i < n:
    i = i+1
    return (list)

    any suggestions on why im getting an error:
    TypeError: arr() missing 1 required positional argument: 'n'
    Could be a simple mistake, as I'm new to Python

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    there is a bunch of additional checks run when you make an 'attempt' - at 'test' it just checks the expected functions have been used, but it doesn't check the retured table values are matching the criteria, it does it at the 'attempt'

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    I actually did and it passed through. I would normally use REGEXP_EXTRACT if that wasn't postgre. The most common/simple solution is different though :)