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    I fixed this.
    There are errors if my code conatins Array.prototype.xxxxx = function(){} ,after i removed this ,it passed the random tests;

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    hi,i met the same issue,'board[x].map is not a function at randomBoard', what can i do to fix this?

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    FYI the random tests will most likely generate some "words" to check that are longer than the maximum possible word length (so i.e. if the board is 4x4, there will be some 17+ letter words thrown in). The contents before the maximum length may or may not be part of the board. Also FYI the board size is random in the random tests, it can be anywhere from 4x4 to 10x10. I didn't have any issues with my solution after running the random test cases many times, so I would like to see yours. If it's not your solution then I will look into the test cases, maybe the random ones are formulated with an incorrect data type somewhere.

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    How exactly are the random test cases not working? Also can you also show me your code via pastebin or or something?