Also wondering this, because I can't run his code on my IDLE (Python 3.6) since it gives me either an AttributeError or ValueError depending on None, num, or alphanumeric input.
* reducing the number of check from 8 to 6.
* adding the error list to prevent the same user id
* try-except with err code branching
The reason I think it resolved is that the all codes passed after republishing it.
With the update, I also could implemented the workaround for the python2 cases so now it is available for python2 as well.
Thanks for your feedback again, @agkg.
( JS ) Update available
Fixed the test cases as well as sample test case. (sample test case might get broken in the future)
Thanks a lot for your report. I will fix test cases.
True, this solution seems broken. Even if you fork it here on CW and try to run it without changes, it fails...
Also wondering this, because I can't run his code on my IDLE (Python 3.6) since it gives me either an AttributeError or ValueError depending on None, num, or alphanumeric input.
Hi agkg! Looks great, I've approved. Thanks
OK, done. I updated the tests cases and the sample tests so that they will accept different valid answers.
I think I could improve the test cases by
The reason I think it resolved is that the all codes passed after republishing it.
With the update, I also could implemented the workaround for the python2 cases so now it is available for python2 as well.
Thanks for your feedback again, @agkg.
Thanks for your feedback, @agkg.
If I understand what you wrote, the solution would be updating the test cases like
Just wanted to check it before I update it.