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    Fixed in OP's fork

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    function name should be snake_case for ruby and python.

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    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

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    Python: Random tests are vulnerable to input modification

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    JS, Python, Ruby: Floats in input arrays are only tested in one fixed case (not in sample cases). It makes no sense.

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    a fairly large proportion of people that beleive that God is supreme

    Those people will certainly agree, then, that this supreme being can stand up for himself, thank you very much. No need to worry, or to get hurt on his behalf.

    Seriously, it's a bunch of letters on a screen. And that's the last I'm going to post on the subject because I know exactly what this will devolve into.


    Or If the platform doesn't give importance to people's belief being hurt, they should atleast provide a button to hide it (hide from list of kata as well from the unfinished list of kata from individual's profile)

    Wow. Didn't even read that part until now. Regardless of what your personal beliefs are, you have to realise that on a global community, you are in a minority, and others will not only have differing beliefs, but also the right to express them (or, in this case, refer to them). If your faith is so fragile as to not being able to handle that, then instead of requiring the world to censor itself on your behalf, you should learn to censor yourself by limiting the content you expose yourself to, as you are clearly unfit to brave the wild jungle of diverse, freely expressed opinions that is the internet. Codewars isn't a theocracy.

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    I have some religious katas,hope you will like them. For example:

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    @awesomead It is hurtful to a fairly large proportion of people that beleive that God is supreme. All others are his creation and cannot be compared to him in any aspect, be it physical or any other attributes. This kata description mentioned "doing God's job" which is neither possible nor respectful.

    Either this should be

    1. Deleted
    2. Or The description should be modified to remove You have to do God's job.
    3. Or If the platform doesn't give importance to people's belief being hurt, they should atleast provide a button to hide it (hide from list of kata as well from the unfinished list of kata from individual's profile)
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    Myths are a universal concept to all human cultures. Referring to them is hurtful to exactly no one; the truthfulness of any particular myth is not being declared, so neither adherents to this particular myth nor non-adherents are having their personal toes stepped on, unless you consider yourself someone who disbelieves the very existence of said myths, in which case you'd simply be wrong.

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    Yes it's also hurtful to atheists

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    I did this to practice using reverse (which I always confuse with reversed) to help myself differentiate them, although list slicing would have been simpler

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