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    I had a lot of fun solving this kata, FrankK, thank you. Test cases for python are written out properly, pleasure to work with.

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    Python random tests expect you to simply return the given array instead of lcm of its elements, lol

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    Note taken. Input validation is removed and warriors will only get positive numbers in tests.
    Thanks for the feedback.

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    Thank you for a detailed and precise task description, nice kata!

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    Nice kata, but some things were not clear from the task:

    A) The directories need to be stacked up:

    ("", " * ") becomes "<а href="/">HOME</а> * <а href="/important/">IMPORTANT</а> * <а href="/important/confidential/">CONFIDENTIAL</а> * <spаn class="active">DOCS</spаn>

    As you see for CONFIDENTIAL you need to use /important/confidential/ as href and likewise with deeper paths. Maybe it's clear for those familiar with breadcrumbs, but I still think it's worth mentioning in the description.

    B) The rules say: "if one element (OTHER THAN ROOT/HOME) is longer than 30 characters, you have to shorten it, acronymizing it"

    However, tests require that the root also needs to be acronymed, e.g.
    ("", " - ") expects <a hrеf="/">HOME</а> - <а href="/web/">WEB</а> - <spаn class="active">KSD</spаn>. It's not hard to fix it while passing the tests, however I believe the rules should be updated.

    Other than that great kata, challenging but not too hard!

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    Nice kata, although I struggled a bit with:

    1. Rules don't mention that candidates that got no first-preference votes at all should be removed from the ballot as well. Thanks to those who pointed it out here.

    2. You always work with first-preference votes. "...find the candidate who got the least votes and remove them from each person's voting list. In case of a tie for least, remove all of the tying candidates..." means find the candidate(s) who got the least votes AMONG FIRST-PLACERS. My mistake at first was to think that I should check the last places on each voter's ballot.

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    Hi, at first I was a bit confused with points logic as well, let's go step-by-step:

    Frame 1: A strike, so 10 points plus points for the next two ROLLS (bear in mind, not the next two frames). The next two rolls are another strike (10 points) and 9. Total frame score: 10 + 10 + 9 = 29

    Frame 2: A strike, so 10 points plus points for the next two ROLLS, which are 9 and /. 9/ means 9 pins on a first roll, and the remaining one on a second. Total frame score: 10 + 9 + 1 = 20

    Frame 3: A spare, so 10 points plus points for the next roll, which is 8. Total frame score: 10 + 8 = 18

    Frame 4: An easy one, no strikes or spares. Simply count the points. Total frame score: 8 + 0 = 8

    Frame 5: A strike, so 10 points plus points for the next two rolls, which are another strike and 9. Total frame score: 10 + 10 + 9 = 29

    Frame 6: A strike, so 10 points plus points for the next two rolls, which are 9 and 0. Total frame score: 10 + 9 + 0 = 19

    Frame 7: No strikes or spares. Total frame score: 9 + 0 = 9

    Frame 8: A spare, so 10 points plus points for the next roll, which is 7. Total frame score: 10 + 7 = 17

    Frame 9: A spare, so 10 points plus points for the next roll, which is 4. Total frame score: 10 + 4 = 14

    Frame 10: Remember, in 10th frame there are no bonus points for the next rolls in case of a strike/spare. Here it is not the case though, simply count the points. Total frame score: 4 + 4 = 8

    Total points: 29 + 20 + 18 + 8 + 29 + 19 + 9 + 17 + 14 + 8 = 171, as desired

    Have fun coding!

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    ok i tried a solution from other person and it also works. Good then, thanks for your time and effort :D

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    random tests still not working:
    File "", line 23, in random_tests
    from random import randint, sample, choices
    ImportError: cannot import name 'choices'

    the version is set to 3.6.0 so it's weird, do you have any ideas why it could be throwing this error? thanks!

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    Thank you guys a lot! It seems like authoring kata is more than just coming up with a task :D I'll definitely look into other katas and how they are designed.

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    ok, looks like it's better now.
    I copied @FArekkusu code and changed it a bit (I think for the worse :D, i wasn't aware of some syntax he used). But at least random tests seem to be working now.
    sorry if something is still wrong, let me know about it!

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    thank you, trying it now.

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