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    To address the "Cheat Detection" issue...I know that the Copy + Paste function was removed, however, I used (an online compiler) to work through the Katas. I am unable to now take my result and copy and paste it into the Kata to use the sample tests and submit...

    On another note, I am currently having a problem with the CodeWars site. Every Kata I try to solve, the output window is compleley white and freezes upon either running sample tests or submitting. Also every time submitting and freezing, I refresh the page and all my work is gone back to default starting point...Which in turn is why I've been using Trinket to compile outside the site and save my work elsewhere...

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    Hello there. In the last kata (Mobius function) I accidentally submitted my solution without giving a reference to the factors function I've used. This function comes from Chris Cogdon in the thread:

    Sorry for not being thorough enough.