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    you forgot to dereference a null pointer lil bro

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    Lost it at "int finale" 🤣

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    this must be the biggest troll ever,
    pls take me as your student sensei

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    When you really hate the intern that will refactor your code.

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    When I Test my Code locally, it passes all Tests, but when i test it on Browser it just fails at test example3. I cant see any way how to debug the test and I cant understand any of the logs. Could you please correct this issue?

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    well, since your code isn't actually failing this test, you need to turn your attention to the next test, which you are failing, and figure out why. print out the inputs. consider edge cases.

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    @rowcased I absolutely lost my strength and ideas. I went through all the lines of code, examined all the possible options, but still did not see the wrong line. Please, can you contact with me in discord to describe where is the mistake? I killed almost 18 hours at this day, solving this problem. For me, its decision is already the meaning of life :C.

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    This test does not return true, it returns false. You are confusing the result with the test that comes after this test. Also: I said you had a mistake in one line your posted code. Have you thought about which line it is?

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    • your code has one logical mistake contained within one line
    • next time please use proper markdown
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    @PUTIS aka Zverb . . . NO . . . kata does NOT say to return true. Look at the post before yours, where @ucczs has had the revelation of paying attention to the logs correctly. This test returns false. If you post your code with proper code markdown, (make sure to click the spoiler tag), I will be happy to dissect your code for errors. : )

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    @Osiiriis absolutely! But kata says to return true! No matter how I change my solution, kata returns the opposite. That is, in this example, the answer is false. But when I changed the kata so that it returns false, the test itself writes that true is expected! Please explain, I no longer know how to change the decision for 7+ hours.

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    Whats in the 1a C# Test. Everything is ok exept of this

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    A monster, but, hey...it works. Celebrate your monster and ignore the doubters

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