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    Not a kata issue.

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    Check your code as it seems it takes punctuation signs as a word: ... ?ay"

  • Custom User Avatar

    After completing the test and all the tests are running I'm getting the following error message after submitting it.

    It doesn't make any sense. Is the tests broken?

    Time: 351ms Passed: 9 Failed: 1 Errors: 1
    Test Results:
    Test Passed: Value == "igPay atinlay siay oolcay"
    Test Passed: Value == "hisTay siay ymay tringsay"
    Test Passed: Value == "rrareEay umanumhay steay"
    Test Passed: Value == "imeoTay anaosDay teay onaday erentesfay"
    Test Passed: Value == "icHay teay uncnay"
    Test Passed: Value == "orituriMay olumusnay orimay"
    Test Passed: Value == "equiescatRay niay acepay"
    Test Passed: Value == "luctuatFay ecnay ergiturmay"
    Test Passed: Value == "uncNay steay ibendumbay"
    You should 'pig' "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?" - Expected: "uisQay ustodietcay psosiay ustodescay ?", instead got: "uisQay ustodietcay psosiay ustodescay ?ay"