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    I agree, we need more test cases to cover different scenarios

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    I guess OP didnt tried other katas apparently..... Im finding this kata a bit difficult as well, will need to come back. if you are familiar and confident in solving math problems, this might seem easy for you. If you coming into programming from another background, I dont see this kata that easy. but nontheless challenging in a nice way, as it should

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    @ 10XL => thank you

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    Could someone give me a small hint of what Im doing wrong or what should I pay attention to.
    Basic tests are fine, last TDD doesnt go through: (Expected: "expected", instead got: "actual")

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    beginnner here. Im passing the basic tests but after it gives me some errors here and there. Is there something I should look out for that I might be missing as a beginner?
    Dont want the answer of course, just a hint

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    thank you sooooo much. now that I think of, they always tell me print your intermediate results so u can see how the code works and spot the error. Found it, thank youuuu

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    you should print your intermediate results (or create them in order to print them) to see what is going wrong.

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    beginner here. Im getting 3 tests OK, 2 fail. specially on the duty_free(17, 10, 500) one. Doing it manually it gives me the correct answer, when running the code here gives me error, expected 294, received 500. I dont want the answer, but any hint where I might be doing something wrong pls?

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    beautiful ... hopefully one day will get to do same..indeed code is poetry