personally i don't know what you do, i'm not as familiar with python maybe do a few google searches about handeling 0 argumemts or something. This kata has been solved for python before so there is a way around it
i understand this is testing for an empty argument but my code 'if words.empty?' still seems to raise the same errors: 'get_count': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError) from'
am i missing something?
I'm new here and new in programming, so I need some help.
I'm trying to submit my code, but getting an error message: "Validate
Expected: false, instead got: true".
I can't figure out why is happeing since I passed all tests ("Run test" button).
Speaking about Ruby version.
Would be appreciated to any help.
Ruby version still has a test case with no parameter passed into the method. Is it meant to?
" get_count': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError) from "
funny but nice ........
@sitypop: The error message says it expected 1 argument, but got 0. Maybe that will help.
personally i don't know what you do, i'm not as familiar with python maybe do a few google searches about handeling 0 argumemts or something. This kata has been solved for python before so there is a way around it
i understand this is testing for an empty argument but my code 'if words.empty?' still seems to raise the same errors: 'get_count': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError) from'
am i missing something?
I'm new here and new in programming, so I need some help.
I'm trying to submit my code, but getting an error message: "Validate
Expected: false, instead got: true".
I can't figure out why is happeing since I passed all tests ("Run test" button).
Speaking about Ruby version.
Would be appreciated to any help.
yes it's meant to be empty.
Ruby version still has a test case with no parameter passed into the method. Is it meant to?
get_count': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError) from