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    I disagree that my output is wrong. We can Number(string.replace(/^[0-9]/g,'')), but that still gives us a value that is NOT achieving the stated goal of the Kata. The goal is to 'return ALL the numbers in the string in the order they occur,' emphasis mine. The solution checker does not do this. I will mark my newer issue as resolved, but I do not think this Kata is correct with the current goals or test cases.

    Either the test cases need to be fixed to actually meet the goal, or the goal needs to be changed to meet the test cases.

    I don't mean to be obstinant, and thank you for making the Kata, but we should not have people train on wrong outputs.

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    This Kata will not work for JS with the current test cases:
    The max safe int is 2^52 or:
    Several test cases run well over that. This Kata does not accept stringoutputs and does not correctly test its own input for JavaScript. Please fix test cases for JS; even the testing program itself is broken, see below.

    Running a test to print out the input value and the output the automated test expects from us we get:
    Output tested for:
    Despite the fact that all of us can clearly see it should be:

    Another, more obvious test:
    Input Vale:
    Just return the numbers - Expected:

    Despite that it should clearly be