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    yes, Sry about that. I had trouble with running code and didnt know what else to do. Then i realised maybe i should try and return empty list for empty input. It worked.

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    But you passed the kata!

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    I tried to print the input provided via test cases but it printed an empty string. I cant do operations on empty list. If anyone could help with this it would be great. Thanks.

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    nvm i tried to explain and i dont know how to delete the comment so im editing this.

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    might not need to store all the data in list when you can return value with first occurence.

  • Default User Avatar

    thanks i didn't see 'question' tag my bad. This should help me out with the solution.

  • Custom User Avatar

    That's a question, not an issue, a plateau is a group of repeated values next to each other, see the examples in the instructions, they can be or not a peak depending on borders conditions.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    it simply means you have to multiply digits of entered number repeatedly until you get one digit. so suppose for 27> 27=14(but 14 is 2 digits, so we repeat )>14=4(now we got a one digit number). As you can see here we had to multiply 2 times to get to one digit. Therefore our output is 2.