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    Hey! 36156 / 68120 == 18078 / 34060 == 695 / 1310 and same for others... And what to do?

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    Issue not confirmed:-) You forgot to simplify the resulting fractions... 36156/68120 == 18078 / 34060 and same for others... Numerators and denominators must be as small as possible.

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    issue confirmed: the expected ouput is effectively [[36156, 68120], [4524, 68120], [51090, 68120]] (tested with python top solution)

    => either there is a bug in the go version or actual and expected are swapped in the assertions.

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    There is a an error in the GO test cases, the solution to {{69, 130}, {87, 1310}, {30, 40}} should be (36156,68120)(4524,68120)(51090,68120) and not (18078,34060)(2262,34060)(25545,34060). 34060%40 is not Zero.