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    Could you expand on why you think an algorithm doesn't need to travel the entire array? I thought it would have to move through the entirety of the array to determine which numbers are odd/even.

    Or is it that due to the limitations of the problem just as long as there is more odds than evens and vice versa, it won't have to travel through the entire array?

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    How do you figure out that it takes 3N? I don't know how to do this so I'm curious to learn.

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    Elegant solution!

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    The tests are not working, they give back this error: ': undefined method length' for 3:Fixnum (NoMethodError). When I changed the length method for something else, like the count method it spat this out instead ': undefined method count' for 3:Fixnum (NoMethodError), so it seems to me there is some tests that are not functioning. I cannot do anything about it because I cannot pass it. My code works perfectly with the test cases - and others - on my own computer.

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    I had this exact same problem! I hope it gets fixed soon.

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    I'm not 100% sure but there seems to be a mistake. I get this error: Expected: "JKD WBIRAQKF YE WV", instead got: "JKD WBIRAQKF YE WV". How can the expected be the same as the input?? Doesn't this mean the code passed the test??

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    This is the issue I'm having: square_digits': undefined method digits' for 3212:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
    from `

    The code I have runs fine on my computer, but not with this. I'm wondering if there's an issue with the version number as Integer#Digits came with the lastest verion of ruby.