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    I didn't find any other bug.
    Thanks again.

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    Now that seems to be fixed, thanks.
    I'm still reviewing other test cases.

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    From reading over the discourse, it seems like some languages used this spec from the beginning. And in other langs (like python) the tests simply never tested that case.

    In general a lot of solutions would be invalidated simply by stronger random tests, even if spec isnt changed at all. So IMO its not a bad time to fix the spec too (ie. align it to the current description)

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    that's a major spec update, all languages should be revisited .. who changed the spec after 1000's of submissions anyway

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    I fixed the hands with duplicated KHs. I did not find any other hand with duplicated cards, but let me know in case I missed any.

    Please try again and check if duplicate cards are still a problem.

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    I'm not passing the kata because of this issue. Apparently I cannot contribute further before passing it. And I'm not going to code a wrong solution in order to pass the wrong tests.

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    I've just noticed that apparently the description used to say that low aces are NOT valid, however it now states that they are valid, which is also what this fork assumes. I also think they should definitely be considered valid, since that is the rules.

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    Python fork:

    • Uses new test framework
    • Adds fixed test for low ace straight
    • Adds actual random tests
    • Fixes "cheater" hands with card duplicates
    • Replaces author solution (which would not pass the new random tests)
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    The same is happening to me in the C version. Not passing the tests because of that.

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    In the C version, random tests produce invalid inputs like "3C KH 5D 5S KH".
    The King of Hearts is twice in the hand, so that hand is invalid.

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    Not a kata issue. Unless you pin-point which section of the problem is unclear and suggest rewording improvements, but that is at-most a suggestion

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    I totally agree with Matteo. The only reason why I wasted my time with this problem is to be able to properly complain about such a loss of time.
    It is not about English not being your mother tongue though. English is not my mother tongue neither and I can give complete and non contradictory instructions.
    The instructions doesn't specify why the value of the old car matters (you have to understand from the examples you can sell it in order to buy the new one). The explanation about the float rounding is contradictory. It tells you to truncate and to aproximate it to the nearest int in the same phrase. It is a disaster.

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    I honestly and respectfully think it is hard to explain the problem that bad.
    Don't waste your time with this kata, I did so I can advise you and complain about it.

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    But the mother sees the ball once.
    The instructions are at least ambiguous.
    I'm downvoting this.

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