Not a suggestion. Examples serve as a guideline to solve the problem, there are other languages that require declaration or additional memory allocation before performing the operations!
I can't see your unfinished solution, so I have no idea what you're doing. Can you post a code snippet that would lead to "am&?" ? ( Not a whole solution, or even a part, just some code that results in "am&" where you would expect "am&". )
If a character is not within the valid range to generate its base-20 representation, then it is considered invalid, so should
return -1
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
The only thing standing between me and that 200k job is being able to spell 'function' correctly every time 😂
Not a suggestion. Examples serve as a guideline to solve the problem, there are other languages that require declaration or additional memory allocation before performing the operations!
not a kata suggestion as requirements of kata can't be changed after many solves and languages
typos is a thing everyone can do. They boil your brain, haha.
"You cannot change the original object, because if you did that the reflection would change."
You are mutating the object, which the description explicitly tells you not to.
Enter: Typescript
If you print it out with e.g.
it will appear in the test logs.It's a challenge to reduce your code even more than the max length allowed.
Hi @ameenj - in Description it says "Strings are case insensitive".
So - in the context of this kata - the string "Aa" is the same as "aa" "AA" and "aA".
That's why there are 4 "rearrangements" of "ABBb" - because, ignoring case, they are the 4 you gave in your comment.
I can't see your unfinished solution, so I have no idea what you're doing. Can you post a code snippet that would lead to "am&?" ? ( Not a whole solution, or even a part, just some code that results in "am&" where you would expect "am&". )
That can happen. Did I answer your question?
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