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    Each piece is delimited by punctuation

    What are considered punctuation in this kata?

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    This sentence If multiple golds are found in one piece of soil they should be added together, so that the following piece of soil "g5 g5; sdg g44" has two pieces of soil, both containing gold, with respective values of 10 and 44. doesn't seem to be used for anything in the actual tests.

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    I am also encoutering this issue. . any advise?

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    Yes, I also thought the same think. This solution absolutely is using string operation.

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    Awesome kata; it ate my soul for a while, then made me incredibly satisfied!

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    Understood; thanks for considering my suggestion :)

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    Regrettably we cannot have that part of the description different from language to language, so I fear we will have to do with the test cases below.

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    You should try again, I get this error when I submit your code: ReferenceError: sum is not defined.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Sorry if this is a repeat question, but what is your take on pair-programming a kata and both uploading the same solution?

    In other words, if I solve a kata with someone else then we both post our solution is that seen as some sort of cheating?

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    Thanks for the nice kata :), just one small suggestion for the Ruby description:


    You receive the information about each candidate as an array of objects: each object should have a name and a scores array with the candidate roll values.


    You receive the information about each candidate as an array of objects: each object should be a hash with two key/value pairs with the following keys: "name" and "scores". "name" is the name of the participant, "scores" is an array with the candidate roll values

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    Oh, to think that me and 6 of my group were at Makers just on Thursday ;)...

    Otherwise, you could come to this upcoming event hosted by a very cool guy (shameless self-promotion :p), again, with a good part of my group.

    As far as the use of a method instead of a function goes, to me is more a matter of personal preferences, plus of course ahdering to common practice with the same dev team. Btw, you certainly seem to know your Ruby, probably more than me, so there is little else I can comment on :).

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    pps: please do let me know what you think of my solution if you have a chance to look at it.

    I am quite happy with the fact that I define a new method for the string class: this keeps the main method in the solution cleaner.

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    Nice! Thanks for the tip, I finally solved it. Will take you up on the Linkedin offer now :P

    Yes, I am London based, I have just started the MakersAcademy course

    I would love to come along, could you point me in the right direction? Is there a meetup page? Happy to get as much involvement as I can.

    ps I love codewars!

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