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    Okay I somehow made it pass by adding return [0, 1] as an outer condition. Not sure why my code all of a sudden works now...

  • Custom User Avatar

    What is returning from your two_sum function? The sorted function isn't recognizing de result of two_sum as a iterable object.

  • Default User Avatar

    I'm getting
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 5, in
    Test.assert_equals(sorted(two_sum([2,2,3], 4)), [0,1])
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

    How is it a NoneType object? It looks like it's an array.

  • Default User Avatar

    Because that would be too easy I guess? Apparently children know how to determine perfect powers.....

  • Default User Avatar

    Hahahaha. People did this in one simple line.

    I wrote 17 lines and took like an hour to figure out how to do it.