next time your raise an issue, please provide some more evidence, e.g. your code (with a spoiler flag and markdown block). also, come back to close your issue once you realized the mistake was yours and you solved the kata
A clever solution indeed! It feels that the kata was specifically designed for it, because this solution wouldn't work if there was a possibility to have more than one odd number per array.
I want to know what made all you guys use a bitwise operator to get the answer ?
is it through expirience ? how one decides all this ?
next time your raise an issue, please provide some more evidence, e.g. your code (with a spoiler flag and markdown block). also, come back to close your issue once you realized the mistake was yours and you solved the kata
ooooooooh okay thank you mate
This means, that you have to optimize your code. Try to think of a way how you can make your code find the solution faster.
program done but the random tests take too long to solve and return an error with exit code : 1
Execution Timed Out (12000 ms)
C Translation (author inactive).
Haskell translation
just WOW! Amazingly clever!
This is so clever. This solution just blown my mind.
This should be tagged as a logic kata too
C# starter code contains:
Which causes an error:
"#" in C-Sharp marks the beginning of a preprocessor directive.
"//" should be used instead for one line commenting.
A clever solution indeed! It feels that the kata was specifically designed for it, because this solution wouldn't work if there was a possibility to have more than one odd number per array.
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