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    Hi. Anyone generous enough to give me some help here? I have got my python code down to 8 lines and 249 chars.
    all tests pass except length of code but I can't seem to get rid of those 9 chars.
    would anyone give me some tips? Is it ok to post code here if I check the spoiler box below?

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    I was probably a bit harsh, but at the time I was frustrated. I'd spent countless hours writing a working solution, all the while contemplating pasting in the answer, but resisting, only to see several offerings with hard coded results.
    But anyway, who am I to judge?

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    incredible. It looks so simple but I could stare at this for a week and not understand why it works.

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    How can you sleep at night posting something like that? What is the point honestly?

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    Very clever bit of geometry. So simple in the end.

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    Very good. :-)

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    Case issues in the description. You are asked to return 'true' if True or 'false' if False.

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    I really enjoyed this puzzle and it contrasts quite nicely with NxN connect x which I just completed.
    I saw the thread below started by hufftheweevil and am inclined to agree that there is something wrong with the players naming in the puzzle, it's description or the test data.
    I interpreted the description to mean that 'player n has a turn' means next turn is player n, but I don't think that is what was intended. I guess I wrote my code to get that result, but when it comes to a win my answer is wrong and I have to tweak to get it right. Hmm. Maybe I am not making sense but it looks to me like something is not quite right.
    thanks to Adrian for the challenge though.

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    I found this kata very difficult, the toughest I have completed so far but it was a useful exercise for me so thanks to Torkel.
    I think my solution is very crude and ugly but it works and I am proud.
    I spent a long time debugging incorrect solutions until I remembered that -1 as a list index is quite valid codewise but potentially catastrophic for your results.Ah well. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!

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    This is brilliant. A massive thankyou to the author(narayanswa30663 is it?). This is my first ever attempt at writing a class and I am delighted that this kata gives me a very gentle introduction into how to include variable and methods. This is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for. I love codewars. I am learning sooo much.