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    are you sure that everything is right with the tests? I have 18 failed and 198 passed. For example here: [ 'cxetr6f',
    'bc2d8hf' ]

    When I test it in JS bin with my solution it gives absolutely correct result: '['cxetr6f', '9v2vef', '771f', 'aol85gf', '4u0s9cf', '80fudff', '506fbxf', 'f3h779f', '742f', 'apz36jf', 'bc2d8hf']', ,the same as it is written in "Expected" in your tests. But here the actual result shows something different (absolutely the same solution entered in here and in jsbin and different results): instead got: '['80fudff', 'cxetr6f', '771f', 'aol85gf', '4u0s9cf', '9v2vef', '506fbxf', 'f3h779f', '742f', 'apz36jf', 'bc2d8hf']'