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    Ok thanks!, I'll look into it (including the markdown formatting)

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    When you split (use split method) the string by the three spaces, you get an array of encoded words, you don't need to use MorseCode.get(" (triple space) ") at all. I've just solved it in Java and it works fine, it's better if you post your code using markdown formatting and mark it as having spoiler content instead of a screenshot, I won't retype your code just to test it.

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    Also I cannot split the spring into indivudual chars and the call MorseCode.get(), becausue MorseCode.get() does not work for the triple space for me. MorseCode.get(" (triple space) ") returns "null" for me.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    (This screenshot is not a spoiler as it does not contain any code.)

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    I'm saying that during the test case, I got the exact correct output. But when I attempt it puts out a different result. Riddle me that. I'll take a screenshot

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    No, it's not broken:

    Java Completions 6450

    You need to process the string and separate the words and the letters yourself, and only call MorseCode.get() on letters.

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    You could put the sentence that it's failing on into an online Morse Code generator. It's what I did but the kata is broken for me (see my recent comment).

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    This kata is broken. I put the entire exact same sentence from the test I failed "SOS! THE BROWN FOX etc." into the test cases below. And it passed the test case. It perfectly printed the sentence. Yet when I try to submit my solution it fails? It breaks up the sentence in weird spots with spaces etc. which does not happen in the test case.

    Furthermore the MorseCode.get() method does not work for the triple spacebar (" "). MorseCode.get(" ") simply returns NULL, so I had to manually put the spaces into the output string. And even though I did this, because of the first problem I can't finish this kata.

    Does anyone know how I can fix this?

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    This test was quite hard for a 6 kyu kata, not gonna lie.