  • # constants
    WIN_COMBOS = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]]
    BOARD = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
    #makes board
    def make_board():
        """This function creates the board"""
        print("\n--- Noughts and Crosses ---")
        print(f'{BOARD[0]:<2}: {BOARD[1]:<2}: {BOARD[2]:>1}')
        print(f'{BOARD[3]:<2}: {BOARD[4]:<2}: {BOARD[5]:>1}')
        print(f'{BOARD[6]:<2}: {BOARD[7]:<2}: {BOARD[8]:>1}\n')
    #runs game
    def main():
        # Main menu
        print("*" * 50)
        print("Welcome to our Noughts and Crosses Game!")
        print("*" * 50)
        #tracks move history
        play_loc_list1 = []
        play_loc_list2 = []
        # Get player's names
        player_1 = input("Enter the name of the first player:\n> ")
        player_2 = input("Enter the name of the second player:\n> ")
        global over #this variable will determine if the game is still on
        over = False
        def turn(player, list, symbol, symbol_word): #simulates a turn
                print(player + "'s turn\n")
                while True:
                        # User input validation loop:
                        loc = input(symbol_word + " location(choose 1 - 9):\n> ")
                        if not loc.isdigit() or int(loc) not in [*range(1, 10)]:
                            print('>>> Invalid input!')
                        loc = int(loc)
                        if BOARD[loc - 1] == 'X' or BOARD[loc - 1] == 'O':
                            print('>>> Position taken, try again!')
                        BOARD[loc - 1] = symbol #if input is valid it will replace the inputted location with an X or O in the BOARD list
                        list.append(loc - 1) #and add the location to the move history
                global over
                for combo in WIN_COMBOS: #checks if player has won
                 winner = True
                 for number in combo:
                  if number not in list:
                   winner = False
                 if winner:
                  print("\n" + player + " Wins!")
                  over = True
                if (not over and all(ele.isalpha() for ele in BOARD)): #checks for tie
                  print("Tie game.")
                  over = True
        while not over: #plays each necessary round until game is over, technically checks if player two has won
                turn(player_1, play_loc_list1, "X", "Cross") #player 1's turn
                if over: #if player one wins or ends in tie
                turn(player_2, play_loc_list2, "O", "Nought") #players 2's turn
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        main() #runs game
    #Anthony Cooper
    • # constants
    • WIN_COMBOS = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]]
    • BOARD = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
    • #makes board
    • def make_board():
    • """This function creates the board"""
    • print("--- Noughts and Crosses ---")
    • print("\n--- Noughts and Crosses ---")
    • print(f'{BOARD[0]:<2}: {BOARD[1]:<2}: {BOARD[2]:>1}')
    • print("..........")
    • print(f'{BOARD[3]:<2}: {BOARD[4]:<2}: {BOARD[5]:>1}')
    • print("..........")
    • print(f'{BOARD[6]:<2}: {BOARD[7]:<2}: {BOARD[8]:>1}')
    • print(f'{BOARD[6]:<2}: {BOARD[7]:<2}: {BOARD[8]:>1}\n')
    • #runs game
    • def main():
    • # Main menu
    • print("*" * 50)
    • print("Welcome to our Noughts and Crosses Game!")
    • print("*" * 50)
    • #tracks move history
    • play_loc_list1 = []
    • play_loc_list2 = []
    • # Get player's names
    • player_1 = input("Enter the name of the first player:\n> ")
    • player_2 = input("Enter the name of the second player:\n> ")
    • while True:
    • turn = 1
    • # Player 1 turn
    • while turn == 1:
    • print("Hi", player_1)
    • make_board()
    • global over #this variable will determine if the game is still on
    • over = False
    • def turn(player, list, symbol, symbol_word): #simulates a turn
    • print(player + "'s turn\n")
    • while True:
    • make_board()
    • while True:
    • # User input validation loop:
    • loc_x = input("Cross location(choose 1 - 9):
    • > ")
    • if not loc_x.isdigit() or int(loc_x) not in range(10):
    • loc = input(symbol_word + " location(choose 1 - 9):
    • > ")
    • if not loc.isdigit() or int(loc) not in [*range(1, 10)]:
    • print('>>> Invalid input!')
    • continue
    • else:
    • loc_x = int(loc_x)
    • break # break User input validation loop:
    • # Check if position is empty:
    • if BOARD[loc_x - 1] == 'X' or BOARD[loc_x - 1] == 'O':
    • print('>>> Position taken, try again!')
    • continue
    • else:
    • BOARD[loc_x - 1] = "X"
    • break # Break player 1 turn:
    • # Check win combos:
    • loc_attempt = loc_x - 1
    • play_loc_list1.append(loc_attempt)
    • play_loc_list1.sort()
    • for i in range(0, len(WIN_COMBOS)):
    • if WIN_COMBOS[i] == play_loc_list1:
    • print("You have won!")
    • break
    • make_board()
    • turn = 2
    • # Player 2 turn:
    • while turn == 2:
    • print("Hi", player_2)
    • while True:
    • make_board()
    • while True:
    • # User input validation loop:
    • loc_y = input("Noughts location(choose 1 - 9):\n> ")
    • if not loc_y.isdigit() or int(loc_y) not in range(10):
    • print('>>> Invalid input')
    • loc = int(loc)
    • if BOARD[loc - 1] == 'X' or BOARD[loc - 1] == 'O':
    • print('>>> Position taken, try again!')
    • continue
    • else:
    • loc_y = int(loc_y)
    • break # break User input validation loop:
    • # Check if position is empty:
    • if BOARD[loc_y - 1] == 'X' or BOARD[loc_y - 1] == 'O':
    • print('>>> Position taken, try again!')
    • continue
    • else:
    • BOARD[loc_y - 1] = "O"
    • break # Break player 2 turn:
    • # Check win combos:
    • loc_attempt = loc_y - 1
    • play_loc_list2.append(loc_attempt)
    • play_loc_list2.sort()
    • for i in range(0, len(WIN_COMBOS)):
    • if WIN_COMBOS[i] == play_loc_list2:
    • print("You have won!")
    • BOARD[loc - 1] = symbol #if input is valid it will replace the inputted location with an X or O in the BOARD list
    • make_board()
    • list.append(loc - 1) #and add the location to the move history
    • list.sort()
    • break
    • make_board()
    • turn = 1
    • global over
    • for combo in WIN_COMBOS: #checks if player has won
    • winner = True
    • for number in combo:
    • if number not in list:
    • winner = False
    • break
    • if winner:
    • print("\n" + player + " Wins!")
    • over = True
    • break
    • if (not over and all(ele.isalpha() for ele in BOARD)): #checks for tie
    • print("Tie game.")
    • over = True
    • while not over: #plays each necessary round until game is over, technically checks if player two has won
    • turn(player_1, play_loc_list1, "X", "Cross") #player 1's turn
    • if over: #if player one wins or ends in tie
    • break
    • turn(player_2, play_loc_list2, "O", "Nought") #players 2's turn
    • if __name__ == '__main__':
    • main()
    • main() #runs game
    • #Anthony Cooper