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    Because this is an old kata, most of these are overranked.

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    I guess because it use objects.

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    Exactly what I thought.

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    And now I'm reading it... Here are two languages for this kata and plenty of solutions taking in account mix letters ('a' != 'A') and test.. I believe it would be easier to update description rather than change solution.
    I was trying to resolve issues without knowing what solution was changed... My bad I should read all posts but I didn't expect someone did change solution I had before. Now is a mess...
    ... and I thought I'll be happy finally getting my firs authored kata approved...

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    assertion messages are wrong

    I've fixed that(I think you are talking about swapping of actual and expected), if you think that's not the case please give me an example.

    Edit: Reference solution and description was inconsistent, I gave priority to description and changed the reference solution, now this should be fine in Java.

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    It is true, I already confirmed the issue below. There are two problems in Java:

    • specs on case sensitivity are wrong,
    • assertion messages are wrong

    These two factors make debugging of the kata really fun.

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    I'm pretty sure that's not true, but if it is, could you provide an example of such input and what's expected value?