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    If the given array contains any non-integer number, string, array, null, undefined or is empty, your function should return []

    Everything except non-integers are not tested.

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    Okay, let's get this straight: the kata idea is bad and it's hot garbage. You're inserting like 10 artificial, arbitrary, unrelated requirements to a simple 8kyu task that is already a duplicate. That's not what a kata should be like.

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    You actually have to return the total amount of money, not just the value of X. Description should be changed.

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    Simple Math Puzzle (Easy) #1

    #2 in the series "Simple Math Puzzle"

    The title is "Simple Math Puzzle (Easy) #1" - I take it that it is the first in a series? However, in the description it starts "states this.." that it is the second. This Kata is also not easy, at least how it stands now.

    It is useful to show your initial conditions in the variable declarations. Except the route since what you have there is really more of a text description. I am also very confused if the travel is to be restricted only along x and y axis (no diagonals), though if you did include diagonals this would be very complex.

    You should state more clearly in the Instructions what is the expected output. For example, minutes as an integer. You may also want your initial settings to be variables: start, dest and speed.

    The instructions are not consistent, first you say

    "If you started at (-25, -72), and has been traveling along the y-axis (the vertical line) for 32 minutes

    Then, below the graph you say

    "[You] started at (-25, -72);"

    "Then [You] went to (0, -72);"

    "Then [You] traveled [SOUTH] for 32 minutes;"

    That second description sounds like 2 segments of travel, whereas at the top its only two, started at (-25, -72) and go south.

    It also does not help when you refer to the direction of travel at one point as along y-axis but later as going South.

    Test cases also needed in Test Driven Development (TDD). Or, blank that out so no tests are run

    I was not able to complete this because it is too vague to follow

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    If no arguments are passed, simply do not return anything.

    Technically, this is impossible. undefined is returned implicitly if there is no return statement.

    I agree with Donald that the description could use some cleaning up generally.

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    No offence but this is a very poor kata! The goal of the kata isn't clear (ISSUE no. 1) and it's about computing one specific value which needs to be returned in specific format (ISSUE no. 2).
    SUGGESTION: You could parametrize your equations and make this kata a real kata.

    ISSUE no 3:

    Oops, try reading the desc again...

    WTH? The description says nothing about what the actual goal is => it makes no sense to read it again.



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    Had some thoughts about how to improve the kata, but the best course of action may be to simply unpublish it.

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