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    The problem script is really good.
    I like the way the liabrarian explaining the problem making it a bit more funny.
    The bloom filter is a nice instrument and it's understanding useful not only when you are a programmist, but as general apprach to owerwhelming problems.
    But it is really hard to get proper understanding of this technology based on the script. Some basic theory about data storage would be useful and help a lot.

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    The task is irrelevant to the tests. In fact, bloom filter isn't even necessary since the kata only asks for a lossy map, and doesn't test the specifics of a bloom filter.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    When the tests "hash_function_control", "register_and_check", "approximate_error_rate", and "overload" succeed, no assertion function (cr_something) are being called. That's why these red triangle appear in the test results. If you want the usual regular green test results for correct solution, you should call at least one assertion function in each test.

    BTW: If you want a literal % in a format string, use %%.

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    Its not I know i'm adding randoms

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    I created this one as I did not found what I was looking for elsewhere
    When a 1 kuy come into a 7 kyu kata just to say that's 'trivial', it does not benefit anybody either.
    Maybe you should just relax ?

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    There're so many parsing problems I doubt creating more trivial ones would benefit anybody.

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    just one test? Is it serious?

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        'id': 'Jean',                  # the client id is a string of 12 digits
        'name': '0612358745',          # name of the client : 2 chars minimum
                                       # and all caps
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    Potentially undeclared identifiers used: calloc, rand etc.

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    Don't hesitate to tell me if the task descrption is unclear, i'll update it

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    I guess the problem may come this line :

    long long** result = (long long**)calloc(row, sizeof(long long));

    try to declare result as :

    long long (*result)[2] = calloc(row, sizeof(lst[0]));

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    Very efficient solution, indeed, i'm wondering where are defined the lcmu and gdci functions and if we can use them in other katas ?

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    srand shouldn't be inside of generate_rand_array. Sizes should be size_t. Missing includes for the functions used.

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    C translation just Kumited with random tests ;)

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