  • Custom User Avatar

    Thanks for this kata.
    It was difficult, but very cool.
    You are very helpful in developing thinking.
    Thanks for such test cases.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Hi, i don't understand what is my mistake. I got this message: Expected actual value NaN to approximately equal expected value -193.81136244163088 (accepted relative error: 1e-9). I don't see test cases how example cata: And i don't understand what cases i not processing. Can you help me?

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    Task was very intresting. I finded solution some days. On first step - i try get everything permutation, but if string length was advantage that 15 symbols my pc froze. On second step - i try find permutation using number permutation, but if i calc string with length advantage 20 symbols - i got measurement error, which influenced on calculations. On third stage - i saw, what i can using calculation withot factorial calculation. Thanks your for this task.