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    The initial tests pass, but are the extended test suite broken for this question?

    Testing for [[44, -2], [61, 15], [27, 20], [44, 8], [40, -1], [43, 24], [44, 18]]
    ["Open", "Senior", "Open", "Open", "Open", "Open", "Open"]
    #<ArgumentError: comparison of String with 55 failed>
    >=' block in solOOS'
    each' solOOS'
    block (3 levels) in <main>' block (2 levels) in '

  • Custom User Avatar

    [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] ?
    ✘ Expected: '['Senior', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Senior', 'Open', 'Senior', 'Open', 'Senior', 'Senior']', instead got: '['Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open', 'Open']'

    random test cases seem to be wrong