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    Finding no correlation between the question posed and the test results given I must decline

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    Random test in python broken, had to exclude the padding to get this one over the finish line.
    Should it come to pass that the test is fixed I will happily remove the # mark from the offending
    (currently at least) code.
    Perusing the solutions, it appears the instruction to avoid using built in functions is being taken
    with a liberal pinch of salt (the occasional shovel being used).
    Fun never the less, though I admit my solution did turn out a bit Rube Goldberg ( Heath Robinson for those to the right of the atlantic).

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    Was going nuts as every submission got to the last test whereupon it clapped out every time. Just noticed the preceding post by gkr and now all is well after adding a namez=names[:] and working on the copy instead. Thank you gkr